Wednesday 17 June 2015

Japanese Diary - Tokyo Disney Resort, Land and Sea!

Obviously bought a Minnie Mouse Headband
Tokyo DisneyLand and DisneySea! My excitement cannot be hidden!

Disney was always going to be one of my favourite parts of my stop in Tokyo, this was my third time to Tokyo Disneyland, but my first to DisneySea, and I was absolutely not disappointed. We went to DisneyLand on the first day, which was definitely the best decision (more on that when I get to the bit about Sea!), and it wasn't even too busy! We managed to do every major attraction we wanted, and loads of smaller ones too! The biggest disappointment for me though was that 'Star Tours' was closed for improvements! We still came back to check it hadn't reopened through the day though, and at one point there were a bunch of Stormtroopers hanging around. But I was too slow to get a photo with them, boo! As that was meant to be our first stop, we then proceeded to my favourite roller coaster, Space Mountain! To be honest I think Tomorrowland is my favourite area of DisneyLand (and that makes me super psyched that they've made a film about it!) and we ended up spending a pretty big chunk of our time there, between wandering back and forth the other areas and rides. So we covered all the major rides, Space Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain (I got absolutely soaked by the way, and no one else was even that damp :/), It's a small World, Pirates of the Caribbean etc. etc. Though I want to add the animatronics on the rides that have them were absolutely amazing! Pirates of the Caribbean could easily have been real people and Jack Sparrow was spot on... We ate a ton of great, cute food too (of course) didn't get a chance to eat my favourite pizza but the food we did eat was amazing, just look at these waffles!
Disney themed strawberry custard waffles
- how could I not?
The Electric Parade was one of the most
beautiful things ever!

I think one of the highlights though was the parades! It was still the Easter festival, so in the day it was the Easter parade, so lively and exciting! Didn't get a video or anything thought as I was just too in awe, but go look up a video on you tube, the song was so catchy! In the evening though, it was something really special! The Tokyo electrical parade was probably one of the most beautiful things I've seen! Millions of tiny LED's lit up the floats, characters and costumes and it was so creative and I highly recommend staying to watch it if it's on, it's amazing! 
Thought unfortunately, as the parade was just ending it started to rain, so the fireworks were cancelled, which is a shame because last year when I went they were cancelled too because of strong winds, and I was really looking forward to them! So after the parade we left, exhausted, knowing we were going to be back in, I think it was less than about 10 hours!

The first thing to greet you as you enter
So this was my first time to DisneySea, as I said, and I was REALLY excited. As I also said, we definitely chose the best day to go, as it was inconsistently raining all day, but not too much, and that meant the park was super empty! I don't think we had a queue longer than 35 minutes, we didn't even need to use our fast-passes and we went on most rides at least twice!
So DisneySea is 100% my favourite theme park I have ever been to, ever. Maybe I just don't remember Disney Florida well enough? But trust me, DS is amazing. From the huge Volcano in the centre of the park (that occasionally erupts, and is also a rollercoaster!) to the outline of Hotel Hightower in the distance (Tower of Terror!), there is tons to explore in between, and this Disney is definitely a different experience from any other Disney Park. 
Ariels Lagoon!
You have 7 'ports-of-call' to explore, Mediterranean Harbor, Mysterious Island, Mermaid Lagoon, Arabian Coast, Lost River Delta, Port Discovery and American Waterfront, and there's seriously so many unique attractions at all of them I wish I could have gone back more days (Definitely planning to go again!). The ride I have to recommend the most though is Journey to the center of the Earth. We went on it twice, and despite the ride stopping for 10 minutes with us in a dark room on the first run, it was still absolutely incredible and I would happily go on it again and again! Not to spoil to much but if you love super fast paced rides then you will love this, and you will also probably not expect any of it. Another one of my favourites was Tower of Terror, of course! I have only been on the one in Florida for comparison, but I know for a fact this is a very different experience to that one. The concept is the same, it's still a terrifying drop ride, but this one has a unique story as it is not part of The Twilight Zone like all the others are. We only got to ride it once, but to be honest the story (and effects!) were freaky enough that once was enough.To be honest, the more I think about it, the more favourites I may have to add to this list, because we also rode the Indiana Jones ride twice, just as dramatic the second time (and I also had to comfort a terrified Japanese lady who didn't like roller coasters) and I want to special mention the Toy Story Shooting game, the 3D effects were incredible and it was so much fun! (Though my score was 59,000 I think, and high score of the day was over 2 Million!)
Though we didn't stay for the night parade, we did catch the end of the daytime one (after coming out of lunch, a beautiful Italian Restaurant in Mini Venice, part of Mediterranean harbour!) and it was fantastic! The center of Mediterranean harbour is, of course, a harbour, so the parade was on boats! It was really lively and colourful, with some really cute characters making a big appearance (Such as Marie the Aristocat and Stitch!) and then there were JETSKIS. I don't really know why I found this part so exciting but I did, haha.

The volcano in the centre was amazing!

The Volcano in Action!

It's completely possible that this blog may have gone on a bit longer than I intended it too, whoops! But it's super difficult to contain my enthusiasm about Disney, or theme parks, so this was inevitable really! If there's anything I didn't specifically cover here that you might be wondering about Tokyo Disney Resort, please leave me a comment and I'll get back to you!

So for now, またね〜 From Osaka, and I'm hoping to have the rest of my settling in blog by the end of this week and then a proper diary should be starting, about time! I've been here over a month already! Waaah Time really does fly~

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