Sunday 12 July 2015

Japanese Diary - Wakayama Adventure World

Adventure World, Zoo, Safari Park, Research Center and more...

As a treat, for my arrival in Japan, and as Maikens last weekend in Japan, my host family took us to Wakayama for a weekend to visit ADVENTURE WORLD! After my experience at Ueno Zoo, I wasn't too sure what to expect from this, but I did some research beforehand and it seemed overall positive. And it really was! WAW is a really weird mix of zoo/safari/theme park, and is most famous for it's excellent Panda breeding program, 7 have been born at the zoo to date, and it is the most successful Panda breeding centre outside of China. In fact, two adorable baby panda twins were born last December, so they are at a cute toddler stage at the moment, and when we visited.

Red Panda!
There really was so much to do at Adventure World, but first things first, we arrived two hours before it opened to get in first to run to the safari booth and book tickets on the car safari, because that's how the Japanese roll (Also it was already pretty busy when we arrived, and half an hour before it opened there were a few hundred people queued behind us!) The car Safari was such a great experience too! I'm so glad we got onto it, I got some great pictures too! But first of all, after we got a slot on the safari (for later in the day) we headed over to the Arctic zone to see the penguins and Polar Bears! It was almost polar bear feeding time, and although I love the penguins and appreciate their cuteness (I got tons of photos) I was really excited to see a polar bear in a better environment than in Ueno zoo. Although maybe the enclosures could have been a bit bigger, it was definitely a great improvement on the Ueno area, most importantly these bears were inside so they had a lovely temperature controlled cool place to rest (In Ueno the bears were locked outside until it was time to go in :( ). The bears were so beautiful and it was amazing to see them diving into the water to chase the food as it was thrown in, though one bear was quite grumpy and even stuck his tongue out, it was cute! After that, we wondered around at our own pace for a while till it was time for the safari. I was really excited to find a section called 'Wan Wan Garden', which was a huge area filled with dogs, you could just go and sit or play with! There was a ton of different breeds of dogs, from Labradors to Jack Russels to Corgis, and although most of them were sleeping were sleeping when we went in, the ones that were awake were so friendly! 

Only in Japan
This dog just wondered around the park, smiling at people <3

When we finally got to the safari, it was so worth it! I've never been on any sort of safari before, and although it wasn't truly in a huge open space (It was still within the zoo, as you could walk around the enclosures on the walking safari) It was still a pretty big series of areas (lions, tigers, bears and cheetahs were separated) and the animals really did come up SO CLOSE! At one point a Tiger almost escaped from its area into the cheetahs, it was exciting but they managed to scare it away with a siren and bribes of meat. It was also so interesting to see the kinds of animals that lived well together... there were some strange giant cow animals that happily loved alongside the cheetahs for no reason, but neither hurt the other, which is good I guess. One day I'd love to go on a real safari, but for now this was a really amazing experience!

No zoom, he was almost at the window of the car!

Next we went to see the star attractions; the baby pandas! It was kind of a long queue around the panda area, I think we waited for 30 minutes, but there were signs saying that the wait could be over an hour! But basically, in the panda room, its a continuous line of people walking past to see them, so even after ll that wait you only really get a minute or so to walk past, and take photos. I really didn't mind though, it was amazing to see the pandas so happy and playing together (it was the two babies and the mum, I believe) and I still got some really cute photos as I walked past!


One of the Panda twins~

We also saw two different shows through the day, the dolphin performance, which was beautifully choreographed and really interesting to watch, but my favourite was the second, Animal Magic. It was a really varied show consisting of loads and loads of different trained animals from dogs, to otters, to goats and horses, to seals, and it was really entertaining, in a whoah kind of way, and it was really funny too. All of the animals were trained so well, so really fun to watch, my favourite part though was when a few sealions came out to do tricks, followed by one fat seal and he was jiggling along and I loved him!

Of course, when we stopped for lunch, all of the food options were completely adorable. 99% of things were plastered in cute Panda decorations, but I went for this adorable Tiger Donburi (Rice bowl) and it was tastyyyyy! めっちゃ美味しい! It was also a pretty hot day, so there was tons of ice cream and other cool treats to be had pretty much everywhere. Churros were also really popular, and I finally got to try castella pastries, in the form of cute little baby animals.

The food is adorable no matter where you are in Japan.
That about sums up my trip to Adventure world, well, at least all I can remember anyway! I left this post waaaay too long! If anyone wants to know anything more then please leave a comment and I'll get back to you!
So for now, またね〜 From Osaka

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