Thursday 13 June 2013

Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu!

So yesterday I had my first session of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, or Ninjutsu! I have really wanted to get into some kind of martial arts for a while now, and this one seemed like such an interesting one to practice! I've never really been interested in karate or those kind of common martial arts that I know a lot of people do, not because I'm awkward or anything, but I know a few people who do them and I never wanted to be the one who was less good at it because I started late! 

What is Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu?

The Bujinkan, or "Divine Warrior House" is the Martial Art system bought to life by Dr Masaaki Hatsumi the current soke of 9 authentic Japanese Ryu. "Martial School". Within these schools, we get a complete self protection system, that is as effective now, as it was all those years ago on the battlefields of Japan.
Soke Hatsumi has spent his life both studying and teaching the arts passed down to him from his teacher, Toshitsugu Takamatsu. Hatsumi has travelled the world to pass on his knowledge so that we all can get to no the true art, and the very essence of Ninjutsu.

My first session was really great, I had so much fun and I am looking forward to going back next week! I'm going to buy my gi next week and hopefully some tabi soon. My arms are so sore though, I guess I'm going to be covered in bruises for the next few months at least...
I need to try and get my head around all the terms too!

At the end of the lesson, everyone kneels, bows and claps and recites this with sensei:
[ 四拳 波羅蜜 大光明 ] しけんはらみつだいこうみょう
 Followed by どもありがとうご ます.

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